Goal 3


Straight 3


creative 3


Let’s Work Together to Make Your Vision a Reality

The Red Stairs’ clients have access to a collaborative team of communications, marketing and sales experts with senior-level experience, strong problem-solving skills and the ability to execute and deliver results. We are based in Denver but have a team and a client base that is spread across the nation.

When you choose The Red Stairs for your marketing and sales enablement, you’ll:

Work with experts, not trainees or interns.
Have a plan to keep everything goal-focused and on track.
Get customized solutions based on proven marketing and sales essentials.
Enjoy our straightforward approach and respect for your valuable time.

Content-First for Everything
from Marketing to Sales Enablement

The Red Stairs is content-first which means we focus on what you are saying and who you’d like to listen.

Everything else, from design to channel choice, supports your value and position messaging, not vice versa.

Our bench includes marketing and sales writers, graphic designers, website developers, market researchers, digital advertising experts, video producers and others ready to collaborate as a high-performance marketing team anytime their perspectives and skills are needed.

  • Brand, Marketing & Sales Communications

  • WordPress Website Strategy, Design, Development & SEO

  • Digital, Thought Leadership & Social Content

  • Collateral Creation

  • Graphic Design

  • Market & Prospect Research

  • Trade Show Support

  • Marketing & Sales Planning & Roadmaps

Our Clients Have a Lot in Common

Our clients are the founders, CEOs and leaders of mid-market companies with medium or long sales cycles who sell their expert knowledge or skills . Most of them are in manufacturing, professional and consulting services or health care, although we work with other industries when there is a good fit.

Our Core Markets

manufacturing 1


healthcare 1

Health Care



We’ve noticed, the clients we help the most have one or more of the following traits:

An established business, the desire to grow and a vision for the business.
A consultative approach to selling expertise.
A medium or long sales cycle they’d like to shorten.
Limited in-house capacity for marketing and creative projects.
A belief that marketing and business development pave the way forward.

And are facing similar challenges:

  • Need help implementing growth plans.

  • Are using traditional or ad hoc marketing that isn’t delivering the desired results.

  • Have dated collateral that is inconsistent and out of alignment with the brand’s quality and direction.

  • Don’t have the system and materials to generate brand awareness, trust and penetrate their markets.

  • Have a website that’s more than three years old.

  • Are facing market-level changes such as disruptors, industry consolidation or decentralization.

  • Have a referral network that’s in transition or close to retirement.

  • Need to show consistent profit growth so they can cash out.


  • Road Mapping & Planning

  • Content Creation, Copywriting & Graphic Design

  • Email & Newsletter Marketing

  • Websites

  • LinkedIn

  • Brand, Content & SEO Strategy

  • Brand Building, Visual Identity & Messaging

  • Programmatic & Digital Ads

  • Video

  • Stakeholder, Customer, Market & Prospect Research