Six Content Projects to Rescue Q3 Sales & Marketing Numbers
By the time you reach the half-year mark, it is easy to see what kind of year you’re going to have. If you’re on track, well done. But, if those numbers could look better, you still have time to turn things around.
Here are six content marketing tactics you can use to accelerate your efforts over the months ahead. Use them, and you’ll be galloping towards fantastic end-of-year results.
1. Run a “best customers” campaign
Your best customers like what you do and how you do it. What else can they buy from you?
Execute a multi-touch campaign to tell each of your top customers about a service they may not realize you offer. Reach out using email, sales letters, direct mail or other communications techniques. You will be surprised how well this campaign will generate results.
2. Revitalize your presence on LinkedIn
LinkedIn’s value as a sales and marketing tool is huge. Prospects are checking out your company, researching your employee’s credentials, and making buying decisions based on what they find.
Be honest, has your company’s LinkedIn presence got room for improvement?
Asking all your key staff to complete their profiles is a good starting point. But, as most people struggle to distill their careers into a few short paragraphs, offering executives the services of a professional writer can make a big impact on how many profiles actually get done. In addition, a professional writer has the skills to write profiles that align with your marketing messaging.
3. Reinforce your credibility with testimonials
Testimonials are a simple but persuasive way to help your prospects feel good about choosing your company.
Ask your best clients for testimonials and add them to your website, proposals, marketing literature, social media posts and anywhere else your prospects can see them.
4. Develop a lead magnet to capture contact information on your website
Regardless of what you have invested in your website and its SEO, only a few prospects are ready to buy now. Offering a compelling lead magnet (also called a bait piece) is a proven way to gather contact information so you can keep in touch and send the marketing materials that will keep your company top of mind until they are ready to commit.
A good lead magnet can be a report, ebook, whitepaper, checklist, comparison chart, or even a video. In fact, you can use just about anything your prospects will find useful, valuable, and interesting.
5. Send out a sales letter to stimulate inquiries
It may sound a bit old school, but with so much competition online, delivering a sales letter to your prospect’s desk could give you a competitive edge. It can be used as a standalone marketing tactic or as part of a multi-touch campaign. A sales letter must be written using persuasive writing techniques.
6. Double down on your blog to boost web traffic
You cannot sell to web visitors if they aren’t there! If you’ve hit mid year and you don’t have enough website traffic, and that means you are not generating enough leads, double down on your blog.
Google web robots love fresh, new content. Provide it, and the robots will reward you by visiting your site more often.
It is July. You’ve got six months left. So, use the sales and marketing tactics above to make a difference to your company’s bottom line. Take control now: you’ll be glad you did.